38 out of 40 Ohio Economists Say Mask Mandate Benefits Outweigh Costs

In a survey published by Scioto Analysis this morning, 38 out of 40 Ohio economists said that the economic benefits of mask mandates outweighed the economic costs.

Comments by economists emphasized the low costs associated with mask wearing and the benefits associated with mask mandates in both reduction in risk of death and likelihood mask mandates could prevent further state shutdowns of economic activity in the future.

The survey also found strong agreement among Ohio economists that damage from COVID-19 and its economic fallout will ultimately fall disproportionately on low- and middle-income families, with 38 out of 40 respondents agreeing with the statement. Comments on this question focused on the employment structure of low-income households as well as other subgroups of the population that may be affected by COVID.

The Ohio Economic Experts Panel is a panel of over 40 Ohio Economists from over 30 Ohio higher educational institutions conducted by Scioto Analysis. The goal of the Ohio Economic Experts Panel is to promote better policy outcomes by providing policymakers, policy influencers, and the public with the informed opinions of Ohio’s leading economists.

If you would like to suggest a question for a future Ohio Economic Experts Panel, email your ideas to panel@sciotoanalysis.com.